I first created relatively stable in the spring of 2017. I had different plans then of what I wanted to post about than I do now. The gap between posts shows exactly who I am (or maybe, who I have been?). I have big ideas. Big plans. I’d daresay even a creative mind. Alas, I often lack commitment and follow-through. This has been true of all personal/passion projects I have begun. I could list them all, but I don’t need to waste time laying out my opportunities (business word for mistakes) now; they are safely and securely in the past, like it or not.
Interests and passions evolving, I still maintained the desire to share and explore in some semi-public way. I have waxed and waned on who, when, where, how, and what that should look like. I still feel unsure. But the best advice (the only advice) is to just start. Just do something, anything, even if it’s not my best work or it’s scary. I feel like I live in a nike swoosh. In truth, it’s so much easier to give advice than to take it, even from myself.
So I am starting again. I won’t promise now what kind of content to expect. I’d rather decide in the moment what I want that to look like. I have a lot of hopes, even fantasies for the future of rs, but it will require a lot of hard work and dedication to get there. I have a lot of new skills to learn. Wish me luck (and a pile of cash, while you’re at it).